"It's OK." 與 "You're welcome." 同學們用對了嗎? ^_^
"It's OK" 是「不要緊;沒關係」的意思,當對方向你「道歉」時,應該要用"It's OK" 回應。但若是別人向你「道謝」,就要用" You're welcome"(不客氣)來回應才適當喔!
A:Thanks so much for the birthday present.
B:You're welcome.
A:Sorry I broke your cup.
B:It's OK. I'll buy a new one.
"It's OK" 是「不要緊;沒關係」的意思,當對方向你「道歉」時,應該要用"It's OK" 回應。但若是別人向你「道謝」,就要用" You're welcome"(不客氣)來回應才適當喔!
A:Thanks so much for the birthday present.
B:You're welcome.
A:Sorry I broke your cup.
B:It's OK. I'll buy a new one.