如同Part 3,想要在Part 4得高分的首要條件就是在錄音開始前先掃描題目,並抓到關鍵字。不過在Part 4這大題中,我們需要特別注意三種題型的作答技巧:
1. 主題(Topic)
2. 目的(Purpose)
3. 推論(Inference)
4. 請記住,雖然我們說要注意上述三種題型,但真正在考試的時候,會讓你得高分的技巧是先專注細節題(Details)的答案,再去尋找主題題(Topic)、目的題(Purpose)與推論題(Inference)的答案在哪裡。
現在給大家一個小練習,請判斷下列各題Part 4的題目分別為甚麼題型:
1. What is the purpose of the notice?
2. Who qualifies for this benefit?
3. What must they do to qualify?
4. Who would not benefit from this information?
5. Who would probably be interested in this notice?
1. What is the purpose of the notice? → 目的或主題
2. Who qualifies for this benefit? → 細節
3. What must they do to qualify? → 細節
4. Who would not benefit from this information? → (否定)細節
5. Who would probably be interested in this notice? → 推論
接下來要請大家如同之前Part 3一樣,請練習找出上五題題目的關鍵字為何?
1. What is the purpose of the notice? → what, purpose
2. Who qualifies for this benefit? → who, qualifies
3. What must they do to qualify? → what, do, qualify
4. Who would not benefit from this information? → who, not benefit
5. Who would probably be interested in this notice? → who, probably, interested
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