繼上回我們強調要快速瀏覽Part 3每個題組裡的三個題目,並找到題目關鍵字之後,今天我們要更進一步,教大家如何尋找選項的關鍵字。
再跟大家強調一遍,在考多益聽力Part 3時,時間非常緊迫,加上你「同時』要聽、看很多訊息,如何過濾出重點是很重要的事,也就是說如果你在看題目和選項時把過多的注意力放在「枝微末節』的文字上,而沒抓到重點,那你答錯的機率會非常之高。
41. Where does the woman want to go?
(A) To the store
(B) To the gas station
(C) To bed
(D) To the produce section
42. Why can’t she find the place?
(A) She is new to town.
(B) She forgot the address.
(C) She was given the wrong address.
(D) She lost the directions.
43. What does the man suggest?
(A) Turn left at Gilman Street.
(B) Take the bus.
(C) Ask the clerk at the store.
(D) Follow him down the street.
41. Where does the woman want to go?
(A) To the store
(B) To the gas station
(C) To bed
(D) To the produce section
42. Why can’t she find the place?
(A) She is new to town.
(B) She forgot the address.
(C) She was given the wrong address.
(D) She lost the directions.
43. What does the man suggest?
(A) Turn left at Gilman Street.
(B) Take the bus.
(C) Ask the clerk at the store.
(D) Follow him down the street.
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