撞衫 wearing the same dress
相似詞 same dress stake
搭配詞 red carpet
撞衫說成wearing the same dress即可,若要強調「撞」,可加入embarrassment(尷尬)這個字,The embarrassment of wearing the same dress。
在影星、名媛聚集的場合,「撞衫」可是頭條新聞。娛樂雜誌常有「撞衫」照片,還要讀者評論誰穿起來較好看,這時可用same dress stake,stake有「較勁」的意思。
- 撞衫相隔十個月有什麼好大驚小怪的?你以為大家記性那麼好嗎?
What’s the big deal about wearing the same dress ten months apart? Do you think people have such good memories? - 他們既然用同一個時裝諮詢師,怎麼會在奧斯卡紅地毯上撞衫?有點邪門喔!
Since they use the same fashion consultant, how was it possible that they wore the same dresson the Oscar red carpet? Something fishy here. - 你沒看出來那兩個名模在撞衫較勁嗎?兩人一樣美麗,那就看誰配戴的珠寶更值錢了。
Can’t you see that the two supermodels are in a same dress stake? Being equally beautiful, the one with more expensive jewelries will win.
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