原來在美式俚語中,Get out here是「你在開玩笑吧!」而不是中文直譯的離開這裡~
例句:Watch out! It's the Po Po!
⋯⋯ Chop it up 聊天、八掛
例句:What are you guys doing? Nothing, just chop it up.
Fishing 把妹
例句:Did you go fishing in the Bar last night?
Game, 沒戲唱、沒搞頭
例句:You got no game!
Iced out:戴了很多珠寶首飾在身上
例句:Check out all that bling-bling, you're iced out!
例句:Watch out! It's the Po Po!
⋯⋯ Chop it up 聊天、八掛
例句:What are you guys doing? Nothing, just chop it up.
Fishing 把妹
例句:Did you go fishing in the Bar last night?
Game, 沒戲唱、沒搞頭
例句:You got no game!
Iced out:戴了很多珠寶首飾在身上
例句:Check out all that bling-bling, you're iced out!