多益聽力最後一大題Part 4 Short Talks可以說是大部分同學的夢靨,除了因為它跟Part 3一樣是題組題,要眼到手到之外,更大的原因是其內容比Part 3更難,Part 4是一個說話的獨白,持續大約一分到一分半鐘,個人獨白有兩個難點:
1. 節奏快,少停頓!
2. 內容主題廣,有公共場合廣播(Public Announcements)、新聞報導(News Reports)、廣告(Commercial Messages)、商務會議(Business Meetings)等等。
3. 字彙量要求大!
以一篇典型的Part 4原文與大家分享:
“Torrential rains caused flash floods and mudslides throughout the Hawaiian islands last week, killing over 20 people and injuring several hundred. Many coastal towns and resorts were devastated by raging waters that stormed down from central mountains and took out dozens of roads and bridges in a matter of hours. Damage resulting from the disaster is estimated to be close to $5 million are expected to take over three years to repair. Donations for victims of the floods and mudslides have been pouring in, with over $200,000 already raised in the last 24 hours. Following the disaster, Hawaii’s governor declared a day of mourning to remember the victims.”
這是一篇新聞報導,講述大雨帶來洪水與土石流,造成災害。大家應該不難發現,裡頭有許多字彙是在Part 1~3裡看不到的,例如:
torrential rains 豪雨
mudslide 土石流
coastal 海岸的
raging 猛烈的
mourning 哀悼
74. What was NOT a result of the floods and mudslides?
(A) Tourists canceled flights to Hawaii.
(B) Bridges were washed out.
(C) People were killed or hurt.
(D) Roads were damaged.
75. How long is it expected to fix the damage caused by the disaster?
(A) 24 hours
(B) A week
(C) About 3 weeks
(D) Several hours
76. How much money has been raised for victims in Hawaii?
(A) Only several hundred dollars
(B) Over two hundred thousand dollars
(C) Around five million dollars
(D) More than twenty-four million dollars
根據以上的分析可得知,Part 4的確是有些難度存在,不過大家也不用太擔心,在接下來的文章中,我們仍然會照例提供答題訣竅,帶領大家逐步破解Part 4。
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