繼上次我們介紹四種Part 3常見的陷阱,今天繼續介紹其餘的三種,我們仍然要利用這篇對話當例子:
Man: Can you help me with this report? I’m having a hard time formatting it.
Woman: Well, I don’t know much about the program you’re using, but Robert might
be more help. He’s great at making documents look their best. He knows how
to fix reports up quick.
Man: Thanks! I’ll give him a call right now. My deadline for it is tomorrow’s meeting.
Woman: Oh no, that reminds me—I need to print my report for a meeting in an hour!
- 5. 相似音陷阱(Similar-Sounding Words)
不止Part 1, 2會出現相似音陷阱,Part 3也會出現相似音陷阱,雖頻率不是非常高,但也值得大家注意。
Example: Q: What is Robert good at doing?
A: He’s good at taking a rest.
→ Wrong: “best” vs. “rest”
6. 語氣陷阱(Similar Tone)
Example: Q: How does the woman feel about helping the man?
A: She is sorry to help him.
→ Wrong: She is sorry she can’t help him.
7. 過度推論陷阱(Topic-Related)
Example: Q: What will the man do next?
A: Ask his boss for an extension.
→ Wrong: no mention of a boss.
另外關於Part 3,提醒大家最後一個小重點,就是答案順序不一定按照題目順序出現,很多時候答案順序是第二題→第一題→第三題,或第一題→第三題→第二題,出現這種情況時,最有效的解決之道就是我們一開始所提到的錄音開始前先看完題目,如此一來,不管答案順序怎麼出現,你都可以從容應付喔!