繼上回我們看了三種Part 2 常見的錯誤選項設計,今天我們繼續看另外三種不同形式的陷阱:
(1) 問句類型錯置陷阱(Wrong Question Type)
Example Q: Can you drive the boss to tomorrow’s meeting?
R: It’s at the branch office.
(2) 主詞受詞混淆陷阱(Wrong Subject/Object)
Example Q: Can you drive the boss to tomorrow’s meeting?
R: She would be happy to.
(3) 時態錯誤陷阱(Word Repetition)
跟上一種陷阱一樣,整個回答只錯在一個地方:動詞時態。在聽的時候,請注意問句的助動詞(如did, will)和時間副詞(如yesterday, tomorrow),如此就能輕易辨認這類陷阱。
Example Q: Can you drive the boss to tomorrow’s meeting?
R: Yes, I drove him to the meeting.
Example Q: Can you take the boss to tomorrow’s meeting?
R: I’ll have to ask my supervisor.
這個回答雖然既沒提到Yes,也沒提到No,但卻是一個正確的回應,說得更清楚一點的話,可以是I’m not sure. I’ll have to ask my supervisor.
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