1.be all thumbs --- 笨手笨腳
2.a rule of thumb --- 經驗法則
3.under one’s thumb --- 完全受制於某人
4.twiddle one’s thumbs --- 無聊到玩弄大拇指
5.thumb one’s nose at --- 輕視:侮蔑
6.thumbs up --- 贊成;太好了
7.thumbs down ---不贊成;太爛了
8.thumb a ride --- 豎起大拇指攔車
9.get one’s fingers burned --- 虧蝕賠本;吃虧
10.have one’s fingers crossed --- 祈求好運
11.have a green thumb --- 精於園藝
12.have a finger in every pie --- 凡事都要插一手
13.have one’s finger on the pulse --- 消息靈通;瞭若指掌
14.wrap sb. around one’s little finger --- 玩弄於股掌間
15.keep sb. On their toes --- 保持警覺準備行動
16.step on one’s toes --- 得罪某人
17.toe the line --- 循規蹈矩
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